Thursday, May 21, 2020
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Hey Besties! 🌟 Guess what? I've stumbled upon the holy grail of banana bread recipes, and I've been obsessed for months! 🍞✨
A few days back, I found myself with a bunch of super-ripe bananas (you know, the perfect banana bread kind!). So, what did I do? I whipped up not one but several loaves of this heavenly bread!
Here's a funny twist: the original recipe was just a screenshot on my tablet, with no website or author's name. Wanting to give a shout-out to the genius behind this yumminess, I turned into a detective on Google. 🕵️♀️ Believe me, finding this needle in the haystack of a million banana bread recipes was no small feat!
I'm such a repeat offender with this recipe that I finally wrote it down. No more squinting at a flour-smudged tablet screen for me! 📱💁♀️
The other day, I decided to double the recipe while in my baking frenzy. Picture this: my KitchenAid mixer practically doing acrobatics to mix all those bananas! 🍌🎪 A word of advice? Stick to single batches, folks!
I usually jazz up my banana bread with walnuts and chocolate chips. But, surprise! I was out of walnuts and didn't dare overload my already overworked mixer. So, I went old school and baked it plain. And guess what? It was a smash hit, even without the frills! 🎉
I made so much I thought I'd freeze some for later. Who was I kidding? In our house, banana bread vanishes faster than a magician's rabbit! 🐰✨ It's just that delicious!
Want in on this banana bread magic? Head over to the blog for the recipe! It's a game-changer! 🍌🌟
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
Hey there, Besties! 🌟
Ever embarked on a journey of turning tiny seeds into bountiful harvests? That's exactly the adventure we dove into with our Roma VF tomatoes! 🍅✨
The Unfolding Tale of Our Roma VF Tomato Seedlings
Picture this: It was mid-April, and amidst drafting another post, I realized that I've yet to share our escapade with starting Roma VF seeds from scratch!
We planted these age-old seeds on April 15, eagerly awaiting signs of life. A week zoomed by... and nada. Zilch. I almost wrote them off, convinced they were duds, and even brainstormed a Plan B. But, lo and behold, as I spilled the beans last week, those little troopers did sprout – fashionably late, but they made their grand entrance!
During a routine Home Depot run for some pergola paraphernalia, my curiosity led me to the seed aisle. Ah, Roma tomatoes, my absolute faves! And there it was, the Roma VF variety, beckoning me to give it a whirl. 🌱
A Twist in the Tale: Planting in Cups!
This time around, I opted for a quirky yet effective method – planting the seeds in cups! Yes, you read that right. Cups, not flats. And, oh boy, what a game-changer! Equipped with a nifty seed dropper (another Home Depot find), the tedious task of planting those teeny-tiny tomato seeds became a breeze.
Fast forward, and we've got 30 cups, each hosting a duo of these precious seeds. Peek at the snapshots in this post to see our little green babies in their initial glory. And here they are now, a tad smaller than their siblings but growing with gusto! 🌿
Notice the leggy growth? No worries – a little more soil will fix them right up. Though, I might need to play the tough love card and thin them out a bit – they're getting a bit cozy in there!
A Verdant Conclusion
Between our late bloomers and the new Roma VF recruits, it's safe to say our garden will be teeming with tomato plants. I'm crossing my fingers that they all thrive and survive!
So, there you have it, my earthy adventure with Roma VF tomatoes.
Much like life, Gardening is filled with surprises, lessons, and, most importantly, growth. Here's to nurturing our green thumbs and souls, one seedling at a time! 🌍✨🍅
Stay green and gleeful,
Friday, May 15, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

We tilled our new garden area last week!
But, first, a little garden backstory:
For the past 2 years, we’ve used our railroad tie raised garden bed.
That raised bed was kind of a garden disaster.
We put plastic in the bottom as a weed barrier & I’m almost certain it fried our plants the first year.
Last year was more promising, but I don’t think the soil was quite right. The plants did better, but they were nothing compared to the very first year we had a garden.
This year, I decided to go back to the basics.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
I enjoy browsing Reddit & love finding new subreddits to look through.
One of my latest finds has been the Old_Recipes subreddit.
When I first started looking at the subreddit, I kept seeing the same recipe made by different users over & over:
It looked easy enough to make so I thought I’d try it.
Here are my thoughts:
Monday, May 11, 2020

We completed this project last year, but I’m just getting around to posting it today!
I actually gave this table a little refresh over the weekend which inspired me to share it!
The table is far from perfect, but I love the primitive vibes it has!
I’m all about trash to treasure makeovers & this table is a true reflection of that!
Can you believe we picked this table up for free in front of someone’s house?! We were driving by & saw this falling apart table with a ‘free’ sign next to it & immediately turned around to take a look!
The table was in rough shape, but it was free so I wasn’t afraid to take a chance on it.
Friday, May 08, 2020
I’ve shared some pictures of my parents’ pear tree in the past. I thought I’d take you along this year from the beginning: the blossoms!
The pear tree always does extremely well & produces a ton of pears, but it has really shown up this year!
There are blossoms everywhere!
This is a Bartlett pear tree & full pears should be ready by the end of August or early September.
When it’s harvest time, there will be plenty of pears to eat & make things from! I’ve gathered some recipes that would be perfect for these Bartlett pears!
Tuesday, May 05, 2020
This was one of those projects that I’ve been wanting to do forever & it finally happened!
Last year, we acquired some old posts & they just sat outside in the yard, waiting for something to be done with them. Because of bugs, I didn’t want to bring them into the house, so an outdoor eyesore they became!
One day, I decided that they would make a good pergola. There was a spot in our yard between our water well & our lilac tree that I thought would be perfect for a pergola. I also hated mowing that tiny area so I wanted to get rid of it!
Finally, after months & months of wanting to build it, we finally did it!