Monday, August 07, 2023

5 Things I Let Go of Since Becoming a Widow

5 things I let go of since becoming a widow | on the creek blog //

In this post, I share my personal journey of growth since becoming a widow over a year and a half ago. I discuss the things I had to let go of, including perfectionism, the desire for approval, materialism, the need for control, and life as they knew it. I have found peace, acceptance, and a brighter future by embracing imperfection, focusing on my happiness, valuing relationships over material possessions, and letting go of the need for control. This post offers a powerful reminder that life is messy. Still, we can progress by letting go of negative aspects and embracing core values.

It's been over a year and a half since I became a widow. I've done more personal growth during this time than ever in my entire life.

Over on Instagram, I randomly shared a few things I had to let go of since becoming a widow & it resonated with many people, so I'll share an expanded version (including the point I forgot!) here.

Some things I let go of since becoming a widow:

Perfectionism: I needed everything to be perfect until I was forced into a life that would never be perfect again. I've found the idea of perfectionism to be damaging and unrealistic, especially during a time of such emotional turmoil.

When I let go of perfectionism, it allowed me to be imperfect, make mistakes, and learn and grow from them. By embracing this mindset, I began to find peace and acceptance in my life.

The desire for approval: It's natural to want others to like and approve of us, but it's important to remember that I can't please everyone. After experiencing a significant loss, focusing on what makes me happy and fulfilled is even more important.

Being materialistic: I would love more than anything to live in a cardboard box with my husband rather than him not being here.

I am now more focused on the relationships that I have with others. I have become more grateful for my time with my family and friends.

The need for control: When something devasting happens, it's easy to feel like my life is spiraling out of control. However, trying to control everything can be exhausting and ultimately hold me back from moving forward.

Life as I knew it: I still cling to this, but really, life as I knew it was over. Getting caught up in what a perfect life should look like is easy. But the truth is, there's no such thing as a "perfect" life. Life is messy and complicated, and that's okay.

It's not easy to let go of things I once held onto tightly, but I had to reevaluate & make space for my core values. I have opened myself up to new possibilities and a brighter future by acknowledging and releasing these negative aspects of my life. 

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