Here’s a recap of what happened on the blog in May!
Netflix Picks | May 2017
Once again, I didn’t watch hardly any of my picks for the month! I’m still loving my May picks, though & one of these days I’m going to binge them! I did watch a ton of The Blacklist this month & binged the entire season of Girlboss.
25 Mother’s Day Gifts Under $25 // Handmade Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
Mother’s Day was in May & I shared two posts. One was handmade gifts & the other was gifts under $25.
I loved trying to find awesome gifts under $25. I also thought the handmade gifts were really neat!
Link Love 14 // 15 // 16 // 17
The ‘Link Love’ posts are still one of my favorites to put together! There are so many blogs out there putting out such great content! There were actually so many great links this month that didn’t make it into the posts! I’ve been putting some of the ‘extras’ over on my Twitter.
Speaking of Twitter & social media…I’ve been posting a ton of things on social media lately. Twitter is such an easy place to share links & quirky tidbits from my life.Sergio
I did a little photoshoot with my parents’ pony, Sergio! He’s the cutest little thing. My parents’ other pony just had her baby on Wednesday, so expect another baby photoshoot soon!
I took so many pictures this spring that they had to be divided into 2 posts! I love going out & randomly photographing things. It’s so fun to bring them together in posts like this.
Summer Potluck Ideas // 10 Drinks To Make This Summer
I did a couple of recipe roundup posts this month. They were both inspired by my Pinterest Boards. I’m currently working on making some of the drinks from my ‘10 Drinks To Make This Summer’ post to share on the blog soon!
The fact that I only made one blog recipe this month was sort of disappointing. I really love my ‘Best Thing I Made This Week’ series & can’t wait to bring it back!
My last post of the month was a tutorial on raised garden beds. I really enjoyed writing this. After we remodeled our entire house, I stopped doing DIY projects for a while but this easy project reignited my passion for DIY!
There you have it! May in review!
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